A.I. for Radio Sales Optimization
Introducing TopLine®:
The Sales Accelerator
In today’s market, the competition to close a sale is more intense than ever. TopLine’s® AI-powered platform is your all-in-one solution for sales managers, account executives, and digital sales strategists.
TopLine® is designed to jumpstart your sales by combining deep category research, proven business insights, and AI-generated sales presentations to help you and your team quickly become recognized as helpful local market experts.
How TopLine® Meets the Needs of Today’s Radio Sales Teams:
We Put Data to Work for You. TopLine® puts deep category research and analysis at your finger tips. Sales teams can easily craft a compelling, data-driven story for discerning advertisers and match audience segments with a buyer’s ideal customers.
- AI-Generated Personality Profiles. Help your sales teams get the “inside scoop” on potential advertisers. Learn buyers’ personality types and communication preferences to quickly build rapport and expedite sales conversations.
- Beautiful, Custom Sales Deck Presentations Created with AI. Imagine having your own personal research director and graphic artist at your beck and call. Unlimited sales decks delivered within 24-48 hours, without taking time away from your sales team.
- More Time in the Field. With TopLine® your sales team will spend less time researching and more time in the field selling. Sales managers can create station/cluster positioning material and station snapshots that provide an at-a-glance, comprehensive overview of each brand. TopLine® gives your representatives more time to do what they do best, build relationships and deliver sales.
Here’s how TopLine®
can help you:
Outshine the Competition
Clearly differentiate from competitors by positioning your station’s or your cluster’s unique features. TopLine® creates modern, data-driven, and fully-written presentations. TopLine® even includes personality profiles that use AI to identify the best way to speak to and work with clients and prospects.
AI Sales Research & Market Analysis
TopLine® provides a unique Instant Positioning hub with lots of category-specific positioning materials that tell the story of your station’s unique audience. Build value for your brand by showing the unique nature of your station’s audience, accelerating the sales process with valuable consumer insights.
Expedited Sales Training
Say goodbye to long, arduous sales cycles. TopLine® streamlines the process and makes it easy to turn every team member into a superstar. Free your management’s time from constant recruiting and training. With TopLine® you’re giving your sales team a comprehensive system that allows them to focus on closing, not just preparing.
AI Sales Research & Market Analysis
TopLine® provides a unique Instant Positioning hub with lots of category-specific positioning materials that tell the story of your station’s unique audience. Build value for your brand by showing the unique nature of your station’s audience, accelerating the sales process with valuable consumer insights.
Outshine the Competition
Clearly differentiate from competitors by positioning your station’s or your cluster’s unique features. TopLine® creates modern, data-driven, and fully-written presentations. TopLine® even includes personality profiles that use AI to identify the best way to speak to and work with clients and prospects.
Expedited Sales Training
Say goodbye to long, arduous sales cycles. TopLine® streamlines the process and makes it easy to turn every team member into a superstar. Free your management’s time from constant recruiting and training. With TopLine® you’re giving your sales team a comprehensive system that allows them to focus on closing, not just preparing.
To learn more about TopLine®, please contact us.
Our Awards
When we are recognized with awards, it’s only because our innovative focus on creating and implementing a product or tool has helped our clients’ businesses grow. It’s one reason why we have been named to the Inc. 5000 List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies for eight consecutive years.
“Fantastic qualitative. Thank you and your team. Really great job.”
“With all the ratings compression in the market, we feel that TopLine provides us that extra 1/10 of a rating point that elevates our team over the competition in Philadelphia.”
“A shout out to Team TopLine. The qualitative sent on behalf of our station saved an influencer monthly annual campaign that was canceled.”
“Brand new AE used TopLine and closed a $30K deal for new business. He was extremely impressed with the research and the design. He couldn’t believe the turnaround time! He has already used TopLine again.”