Case Study: Texas TV Station Doubles Podcast Audience and Downloads in One Quarter

The Challenge: Expanding Audience Reach Beyond Traditional Broadcast
As audience habits shift toward on-demand content, a local television station in Texas began exploring ways to extend its reach beyond traditional TV broadcasts. They decided the best solution was to repurpose their newscasts into podcasts. This would expand their audience and support the growth of their original content. But they needed an efficient solution for this to really be beneficial.
The Action: Leveraging POST for Seamless Podcast Publishing
The station adopted POST, Futuri’s AI-powered podcast production and distribution platform. With POST automation, the station realized that they could easily convert live newscasts into on-demand podcasts and quickly began producing four daily news podcasts plus original content that they distributed several times per month. The station also implemented a targeted marketing campaign letting viewers know that they could now take the station’s content with them wherever they go.
The Results: Significant Growth in Podcast Engagement
The results speak for themselves. In Q3 2024, the station tracked 8,237 downloads and 4,501 unique visits across its shows. By Q4, those numbers had more than doubled, with 20,196 downloads and 11,126 unique visits. Their LTR (listen-through rate) also grew by approximately 10 percent. The ease of publishing with POST allowed the station to scale its content strategy efficiently, leading to increased audience engagement and retention.
By utilizing Futuri’s POST platform, this Texas TV station successfully expanded its reach and deepened audience engagement. With seamless newscast-to-podcast conversion and a strong promotional effort, the station demonstrated how digital audio can enhance traditional broadcast strategies, ensuring its content remains accessible anytime, anywhere.